Seasonistas general thread: yakking, joshing, news and pictures

you big note yourself since you turned up here. you don't comment on anything but go out of your way to promote yourself. you are a BSer. you don't give a s#it about anyone here but yourself. you have NEVER commented on a video of mine the whole time you've been here. hey bro, actually engage w/ people, not just the ones who can 'serve' you. then you might receive more of what you seek. get out of your own ass.
To the point, Sir!
The enjoyment should be In the playing and learning, comments should be regarded as an unexpected bonus. I would rather have no comments than twenty utterly meaningless comments feeding my ego for all the wrong reasons.
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The enjoyment should be In the playing and learning, comments should be regarded as an unexpected bonus. I would rather have no comments than twenty utterly meaningless comments feeding my ego for all the wrong reasons.
Agreed, Mark .. If it weren't for The Seasons I would never have learnt ANYTHING; so playing and learning is a big plus for me. We are, though, part of a Forum - the definition of which is "a meeting or medium where ideas and views on a particular issue can be exchanged." If we operate in a vacuum and never acknowledge the existence of our fellow Seasonistas by listening to and commenting on their contributions, surely that is defeating the object of the exercise ... you might just as well post directly to YouTube.
This particular forum Is a sharing forum where we share our songs and hopefully those listening will like It too however we should never force an audience to clap. I along with most here and have made some real duff ones over time and rightly received no comments, the positive to take from that Is that the silence Itself was great constructive criticism and helped me do better
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This particular forum Is a sharing forum where we share our songs and hopefully those listening will like It too however we should never force an audience to clap.
Absolutely not! But, if we don't comment, how can we let others know that we have actually listened? (I suppose there IS that facitlity now to add your name under someone's video on the Forum, but, too me, it doesn't mean a great deal.) Sorry ... am I becoming tedious????
We're getting Into doing someone else's thinking with your own head territory here Val ;)
I think It's a fair assumption to presume that when we put out a song that It's generally listened to, If not by all then by most as listening Is a huge part of the seasons experience and participation.
I think It's a fair assumption to presume that when we put out a song that It's generally listened to, If not by all then by most as listening Is a huge part of the seasons experience and participation.

I totally agree that we shouldnt need to worry about needing to comment to prove we listened to a video, though comments are a very nice thing. With the host making sure everyone gets at least one comment, it should turn out ok.

But the thing about that listening assumption is that YouTube has some analytics to tell how many people viewed your video. And if they are to be trusted, reality cant keep up.
I dont know how much the numbers differ between seasonistas. When I have posted an unlisted video mid week, the analytics say that roughly half the seasonistas listened to some of it. When I have posted an unlisted video in the last weekend of a theme, the number is often less than half that. That bit can be disencouraging, makes one feel like not being part of the gang.

That being said, we still need to assume it. To believe in the community. It would just be nice if it was a little bit truer.
Without wishing to respond to anyone specifically: as far as I can tell, a big thing (maybe even the main thing) that has kept the seasons going as long as it has is that there is a community of people who listen to each other's videos and say a small thing about them in a comment. I don't think people are writing meaningless things pretending it's great when it's not (after all, many of us are just mucking about in our spare rooms in our spare time aren't we? And we know it's not great, but it is fun.) Rather, we write a little thing to show that we listened and enjoyed it and want to encourage each other to get better, or, at least, to keep enjoying our hobby. If you were in the same room as someone when they played a song, then they came and sat down next to you, you'd probably at the very least say "nice job" or something like that.

But, I suppose everyone wants different things out of it. Fair enough! I'm still more likely to engage with people who show that they're interested in engaging with the community as whole. (By the way: if you enjoy this community, don't forget to sign up to host so I don't have to worry that not enough people are signing up to host :)).

Possibly related: I've recently started playing at open mic nights and I'm having loads of fun with it. I'm getting to know a small group of people who like to encourage each other, suggest songs that might be good for each other, even forming small groups for future weeks. It's a really nice little community, and I've learned about all sorts of other events that I can bring my little ukulele to. There's also some people who show up, do a couple of songs, then disappear without talking to anyone else. Nobody has any idea who they are.
When I I first started out in the seasons, I was definitley looking for plenty of positive feedback and views and those were amply given and greatly appreciated. I try to keep those encouraging individuals in mind when I choose to comment.

As the years have gone on, those factors become somewhat less important than simply using the weekly theme to get the juices flowing and frankly get me off my butt and out of my rut so to speak.

I think there is a delicate balance between the number of participants and the number of videos and the time commitment involved. Some seasons I refrain from posting because I know I can’t watch enough to pay it forward. I still think of congruent songs and give them a go even if I know I won’t record them.

A little encouragement goes a long way. I want to thank so many of you for your generosity and attention over the years.
Glancing back at the forums I can't find a single Incidence where all of someone's work has gone completely Ignored or where newbies haven't been encouraged? The Seasons haven't changed but possibly the mindset has? It begs the question Is this more an Issue of people wanting more attention rather than getting no attention ? The Irony Is the most vocal advocates calling for more commenting come from the ones who have never commented on my entries. 😄 The difference being of course Is that I respect and accept their choice not to comment. Due to outside commitments I randomly post these days and I don't get many comments on here when I do but that's fine 'cos I love playing me ukulele and that's really what It's all about !!
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Oh, Mark ... I was trying to lighten the mood; that dog is AMAZING! I honestly don't think that the vast majority of us here are seeking "applause" ... it is far more a question, as Andrew says, of being around to support and encourage one another by showing an interest in what we all bring; and one can do that by taking the time to listen to and comment on entries. If you want to operate in a vacuum, then why not post your videos directly to YouTube ... the Forum becomes superfluous? I think that I've run out of things to say on this subject! (P.S. I DO listen to and comment on your entries, Mark!)
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I am fairly new to the seasons and I do appreciate the community nature of it. It is nice to have people view or like my entries and comments are a nice bonus but in the end I just enjoy making music whether it’s to other people’s tastes or not. It is also great to have that bit of a push or inspiration to record and sometimes write stuff within a supportive environment and I enjoy being exposed to music from genres I have never had much to do with. I try and listen to most, if not all entries in a week. As an extreme introvert who isn’t great with words and conversation I have possibly not commented as much as I’d like to, as often I just don’t know what to say that doesn’t come across as trite or meaningless but I’m trying to do better. It might take me a bit to feel able to cope with hosting.
I am fairly new to the seasons and I do appreciate the community nature of it. It is nice to have people view or like my entries and comments are a nice bonus but in the end I just enjoy making music whether it’s to other people’s tastes or not. It is also great to have that bit of a push or inspiration to record and sometimes write stuff within a supportive environment and I enjoy being exposed to music from genres I have never had much to do with. I try and listen to most, if not all entries in a week. As an extreme introvert who isn’t great with words and conversation I have possibly not commented as much as I’d like to, as often I just don’t know what to say that doesn’t come across as trite or meaningless but I’m trying to do better. It might take me a bit to feel able to cope with hosting.
i'm like you Andrew.
i have extreme social anxiety and other mental illness on top of that. chronic depression, OCD. i'm agoraphobic.
i make music b/c it's part of who i am and it is therapeutic.
yes, as Mark and yourself have said, knowing someone has engaged w/ what you do is a bonus.
if no-one did, would i still play music and post it? yes. b/c i have to, for my own need for release.
i do feel though, that when we choose to engage w/ a community like this, showing mutual support is what makes it work,
and as Edwin and Andrew Morse said, this is why it has lasted for so long and continues to thrive.
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