Show us your ukes!

Well, actually, I could almost have been tripping over it, because it was standing on the floor next to the rack with ukes I was looking at while waiting for my husband who was buying velcrot for his pedal board… So I saw it and played it and…well, resistance was futile…

The whole bunch together on the couch on a rainy sunday afternoon.
I only have ones of these ukes left, the Risa concert stick. I found the soprano Koaloha too small really, and the tenor Fluke is great, I just wanted something more solid wood. Once MGM catches up with his orders from when he was in NYC, I should be getting the Pono shipped out soonishly.

In the meantime:

The Koaloha hanging out with two Bathys watches also from Hawaii


The Risa concert stick and Honeytone amp, still somehow smaller than the smaller-necked Koaloha:


Messy pic of the Risa uke-solid and Roland Microcube:


And the tenor surf Fluke before I put Aquilas on:

Bottom one is pretty and I also love the no nonsense modest beauty of the other one.
I bought two ukes yesterday from marketplace. That might be a new member record ::sheepish eyes::

Hopefully this does not happen to the pianos in your house!

ETA: wait, just read your signature. What else are you collecting?
I’m new here, so excuse my stupidity but how do I find marketplace 🤣
I’m new here, so excuse my stupidity but how do I find marketplace 🤣
It's one of the subforums here! If you go to the main forum page you'll find the marketplace directly under "Uke Talk" (which is the section this post is in.)
It's not quite showing my ukes, but here's my just-finished rack for my ukes in their cases (and one box). I am pleased with the design, but am now wondering whether I subconsciously added space for more instruments. :)View attachment 174940
Wow that looks great. Please let us know the manufacturer, etc. Maybe I could have order to my chaos of instruments
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